Contract of Sale Subject to Building Inspection

When you`re buying a property, it`s important to make sure that you know exactly what you`re getting into. One way to do this is to include a building inspection clause in your contract of sale. A building inspection clause makes the purchase of a property subject to the results of a professional building inspection. […]


Ano Ang Peace Agreement

Peace is one of the most desirable things in the world, but it is also one of the hardest things to achieve. Countries and communities have been in conflict for centuries, and peace agreements have been used as a tool to end these conflicts. In the Philippines, the phrase “ano ang peace agreement” (or […]


Real Estate Contract between Buyer and Seller

Real estate contracts between buyers and sellers are one of the most important documents in the process of buying or selling a property. They establish the terms and conditions of the sale, protecting both parties from potential disputes and misunderstandings. When drafting a real estate contract, it`s essential to include all necessary information, such […]


Med-Arb Agreement

When it comes to resolving disputes, parties often have two options: mediation or arbitration. However, in some cases, a med-arb agreement can be a better solution. A med-arb agreement is a hybrid of mediation and arbitration, where parties begin with a mediation process, and if a settlement cannot be reached, the mediator turns into […]


Auto Purchase and Sale Agreement Ma

Auto Purchase and Sale Agreement MA: What You Need to Know If you live in Massachusetts and are planning to buy or sell a car, it is crucial to have an auto purchase and sale agreement in place. This legal document outlines the terms and conditions of the transaction, ensuring that both parties are […]
